Bekantan Research Station; Bekantan Research Station is located on Curiak Island - Anjir Muara - Barito Kuala, South Kalimantan. The idea was established on April 22, 2015 by Ferry F. Hoesain and Amalia Rezeki from the Indonesian Center for Biodiversity Studies and Conservation - Lambung Mangkurat University, who is also the founder of Yayasan Sahabat Bekantan Indonesia (SBI) - Banjarmasin.
Bekantan Research Station was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Sutarto Hadi, M.Si., M.Sc., ULM Chancellor was accompanied by Professor Professor Roberts Timothy Kilgour, Professor Matthew Warrington and Professor Michael Joseph of New Castle University Australia. For the first time it was marked by Summer Course activities with ULM students and New Castle students - Australia.
Now, the Bekantan Research Station is a special natural laboratory. Become a special attraction for domestic and foreign researchers, especially bekantan and their wetland ecosystems.
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