River Safari Cruis

Bekantan are native to the wetland forest. They are living among trees. So while on river safari cruise.

Summer course Program

Proboscis monkey conservation in Bekantan Research Station Curiak Island South Kalimantan

Donation for Bekantan Conservation

WA 0812 5826 2218 (SBI Official) | Paypal ID Saveproboscismonkey| BNI ACC 0339933396


Observation Proboscis Monkey Habitat in Curiak Island South Kalimantan

Endangered Species

Support and Help Amalia Rezeki and Her SBI Foundation For Bekantan Conservation in South Kalimantan - Indonesia

Jumat, 05 Mei 2017


Sahabat Bekantan Indonesia ( SBI ) Foundation is a nonprofit organization registered under Indonesian Law, dedicated to the conservation of wild Bekantans and their habitat. Founded by Amalia Rezeki a biologist conservation Lambung Mangkurat University at Banjarmasin and associates in 2013.

Bekantan - Proboscis Mongkey is an endemic spesies in Kalimantan - Indonesia, it is also the mascot of South Kalimantan Province. According to IUCN (International Union for Conservation Nature and Natural Resources), the conservation status of Bekantan is endangered and Appendix I by CITES.
" help us in our mission to save bekantans and their habitat ". We need your help to continue its work.
And we need some people who care for donating to reach our target for bekantans care, recovery and release back to the forest! Who wants to help get us over the line?
Sahabat Bekantan Indonesia Foundation - BNI 033 99 333 96 an.Sahabat Bekantan Indonesia.

NATGEO - Watch Monkeys Swim for Their Supper in Rare Video

Watch Monkeys Swim for Their Supper in Rare Video
Indonesia’s proboscis monkeys are as at home in the water as they are in the trees- an unusual combination in primates
Proboscis monkey might be best known for their giant, bulbous noses, but scientists are sniffing out another of these monkey’s unique attributes: their swimming abilities.
To discover more about these water-loving primates, conservation biologist Amalia Rezeki recently spent a few weeks on Indonesian Borneo’s Bakut island filming the animal and their behavior in mangrove forests. (read about swimming pings and other surprising animals that love water).
“The main primates in the area that people think of are orangutans. We thought that a video about these monkey’ swimming abilities would help bring some positive attentions.” Says Rezeki. Who works with Sahabat bekantan Indonesia, a nonprofit that works to protect proboscis monkey, also called bekantan.
Due to loss of their mangrove habitat and hunting, proboscis monkey are listed as endangered, with fewer 7.000 animal left in the wild.
Rezeki’s expedition discovered several monkeys on the island, suggesting the species is still hanging on.
Natural Swimmers
Proboscis monkey likely took to the water becaouse ”it’s hard to live in a swamp without being able to swim.” Says Lee Harding, chief scientist at SciWrite Environmental Sciences and an expert in proboscis monkey (read more about mangroves, forest the tide, in National Geographic magazine).
For these primates, swimming serves a practical function: to get food. The animal have to travel fat and wide to find the young, tender leaves that make up the bulk of their diet-and swimming gets the job done faster.
Propelled by partially webbed fingers and toes, the monkeys can even swim underwater-although no one knows exactly how long they can hold their breath, according to Liz Bennett, vice precident of species conervation an the Wlidlife Conservation Society in New York city. (read more about the monkey with the outlandish nose).
“The extent that they swimm is quite unusual, especially since its close relative don’t swim,” she adds.
Monkey Business
Harding, who wasn’t involved in the recent expedition, has long been fascianated by the species, which live in harems with one territorial male and around eight females. (see an intimate portrait of a proboscis monkey in captivity).
On this first visit to Borneo with his brother several decades ago, they found out the hard way how males mark their territory and intimidate those who encroach on their land.
“This big male, he was in a tree by the river, and he just started urinating on my brother,” Harding says.
But swimming isn’t fun and games for proboscis monkeys. Traveling by water is risky: Crocodiles, phyton, and monitor lizards often prey on the swimming primates.
Vanishing Forest
Another danger to the species is Borneo’s disappearing mangroves. Between one-third and one-half of these forest have already disappeared due to timber harvesting and drainage for oil palm plantation, according to the Mangrove Actions Project. (See more pictures of mangroves from around the world).
More and more of Borneo’s growing population is moving to the same lowland areas where the monkey live.
“That proximity-as well as the animals’ habit of sleeping in exposed tress –makes the animals particularly vulnurable to sport hunters,” Harding says.
Though the goverment has set aside some areas as refuges for proboscis monkeys, they’re still vulnurable to hunting.
“They’re becoming more and more threatened, and humans are their biggest threat.” Says the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bennett. “We need to do a better job of protecting them.”
Carrie Arnold (November 11, 2016 7;00 PM)